Election Integrity Committee
Work with local, state, and national experts to expose anomalies and issues in our election systems and to get a citizen-operated, transparent, auditable, secure election system established in Louisiana.
Accomplishments to-date:
Encouraged and assisted members in becoming poll watchers and poll commissioners.
Held several meetings featuring experts including LA Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin to inform our community on issues in our elections. Professional experts presented the information.
Worked with leaders in our state to canvass Terrebonne Parish based on a computer analysis of anomalies of our voter rolls.
Brought a Secure Hand Marked Paper Ballot voting demonstration to two local WTP meetings.
Sponsored three showings of the movie 2000 Mules for several hundred viewers from our area.
Continue to work with election integrity experts at the state and national level to bring greater awareness on the issue to our communities.
Work with state legislators to get solid legislation that delivers an election system that we the people own, operate and trust.
Needs: Volunteers needed when a call to action is advised
The State of Freedom Podcast