Election Integrity Committee


Work with local, state, and national experts to expose anomalies and issues in our election systems and to get a citizen-operated, transparent, auditable, secure election system established in Louisiana.

Accomplishments to-date:

  • Encouraged and assisted members in becoming poll watchers and poll commissioners.

  • Held several meetings featuring experts including LA Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin to inform our community on issues in our elections. Professional experts presented the information.

  • Worked with leaders in our state to canvass Terrebonne Parish based on a computer analysis of anomalies of our voter rolls.

  • Brought a Secure Hand Marked Paper Ballot voting demonstration to two local WTP meetings.

  • Sponsored three showings of the movie 2000 Mules for several hundred viewers from our area.


  • Continue to work with election integrity experts at the state and national level to bring greater awareness on the issue to our communities.

  • Work with state legislators to get solid legislation that delivers an election system that we the people own, operate and trust.

Needs: Volunteers needed when a call to action is advised


The State of Freedom Podcast